J K Rowling’s Harry Potter Twitter Reveal

Hello beautiful people!

Its time for us to discuss all of the latest horrendous reveals announced by J.K. Rowling after her seven month-long hiatus from Twitter. Subscribe for more!

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  1. mikaela agustin より:


  2. Katie Crake より:


  3. Night Moon より:

    Love JK Rowling you are awesome.

  4. Cordelia0704 より:

    I’m not very happy with what JK has been doing. It feels like she stopped caring about the fans a long time ago. Love you’re channel and videos though.

  5. rpolino2 より:

    To each their own opinion. I don’t believe any of it has been a mistake. JK Rowling did a wonderful job with fantastic beast… both of them. When the first harry potter movie came out I wasn’t a huge fan. But grew to love them tremendously.

    As for the Twitter announcement, I also thought that was cool. No one told fans to make assumptions and run to new York. She has her reasons for doing what she does and that’s ok. It was a reveal for the Broadway show…. period. That’s ok.
    I say keep doing you JK Rowling. I will continue to be excited for anything as I love her stories.
    Please don’t take it as an attack on you either. Everyone deserves their opinion, Just giving mine.

  6. hello sweetie より:

    Rogue One was great tho. And Solo really wasn’t bad. Just unnecessary. And for that reason overhated. The Star Wars fandom is just really toxic tbh. And I really do hope she puts everything she got into FB 3 or else she’ll be in trouble. I loved the Crimes of Grindelwald but maybe just because I love Dumbledore and Grindelwald and Jude and Johnny’s portrayals. But she needs to focus on “fixing” certain stuff and finally needs to admit that the McGonnagal thing was stupid because it just was..


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